Home cured salmon - inspired by Akvavit and 6-ft blondes

Since my attempts to get in shape by eating more soup, I have discovered that countries with a penchant for raw fish tend to have the lowest incidence of global obesity.

Studying in Denmark in the 1990’s I remember the joys of rollmops and cured fish being a revelation compared to the student diet of beans on toast I was used to.  In fact, elements of the Scandinavian diet have stuck with me ever since, along with some of the other great passions that make up my life today, including lego, akvavit and 6-ft blondes. Add in the ridiculous price of central London sushi, which has been winding me up for a while, and the fact that Nordic cuisine has taken over as the next-best-thing in gastronomy, and there are plenty of reasons to be curing your own fish. As well as looking amazing, it’s also easy – very easy - although I'd suggest keeping that to yourself as home-curing is one of those techniques guaranteed to raise a congratulatory gasp from unexpectant dinner guests.

To get started, why not try my beetroot and vodka cured salmon:
